I don't know if coverage by the MSM of the sumbitch Fidel Castro's pep rally this morning once again reveals a pro-Castro bias. I don't see a lot of obvious favorable coverage of Castro. However, I do think it would be more accurate to call it an anti-U.S.-policy-on-Cuba bias, no different than what you see on Iraq and other foreign policy issues. As some in the MSM see it, Castro would have no reason to protest if we just wouldn't provoke him with "stunts" like the ticker-tape at the U.S. Interests Section.
Well, we wouldn't have to provoke him if he just quit persecuting the nation.
Personally, I am favor of more "stunts" like today's display on the message board just as sumbitch Castro began to speak. That was the best diplomatic "Fuck you," by the U.S. in a long, long time, and so richly deserved by its target.
The bias, however you call it, is total comemierda, reve aling a dereliction of duty by the MSM of criminal proportions.
Babalu and Cuban-American Pundits offer other, less-forgiving views of the U.S. media's coverage of the parade.
And for some juicy red meat on today's events, check out KillCastro.
(Photo via The Real Cuba.)
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