On immigration, and the difference between Mexican "migrants" and Cuban "refugees," Val at Babalú writes for me — even though I was born in this country — and if I may be so presumptous, two former Cuban refugees I kno w — my parents.
Contrary to what today's media prefers to call Cubans who risk their lives to reach US shores - lately the term has been "migrants" - those Cubans are fleeing political oppression and are, thus, refugees. As I stated in a previous pos t, when Mexican "migrants" are faced with systematic violations of every basic human and civil right as the people of Cuba are, then perhaps I would accept a similarity.
What I will never accept, however, is the undignified treatment of a symbol of the U nited States of America under the caveat that as a "latino" or "hispanic" it is done on my behalf. While this country may not be perfect, it offered me refuge and the freedom to be me and I take great umbrage when an American flag is desecrated supposedly in my name. That's my flag that was being burned. That's my flag that was being hung upside-down and below the flag of another nation on my own soil.
And to top it off for Val, some of these idiots go out dressed, like the woman in the middle of this photo, with a picture of a killer on their shirt.
UPDATED, 10:40 p.m.
Michelle Malkin has more photos (like the one at bottom left) depicting the ridiculous Guevarist presence at one of the immigration rallies. If revolution, Ché-styled, is the solution to the immigration problem, you obviously don't understand the question.
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