Somewhere in the Cuban gulag, journalist Alberto Triay must be proud.
The news agency he started, La Estrella Solitaria, is back in business.
The Cuban dictatorship last delivered a severe blow to the group when it seized the group's tools of the trade and on Nov. 9, 2005, arrested its founder, Triay. Recently, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for engaging in "subversive propaganda."
Which seems appropriate considering the "subversive" nature of the truth about Castro.
"That is why we were obligated to end our work, but now it is time to start again," one of the group's members told journalist Shelyn Rojas, for a story published on Payolibre.
Rojas wrote that La Estrella Solitaria — "the solitary star," like on the Cuban flag — currently has eight members, but its support is growing.
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