Some notes from the gulag:
Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a former Uncommon Sense Political Prisoner of the Week, is in more trouble with his jailers.
And female political prisoners are treated no better by the dictatorship and its agents than their male counterparts.
From CubaNet:
Political prisoner charges medical negligenceCIEGO DE AVILA, Cuba - January 27 (Tania Maceda Guerra, CPIC / - Political prisoner María de los Ángeles Borrego, who is serving a four-year sentence in the Manto Negro women's prison in Havana, charges prison authorities have neglected her repeated cries for medical attention.
Borrego, 46, says she has had a toothache for a month now and has not been allowed to see a dentist.
Borrego is a human rights activist and was sentenced in December 2005 for "pre-delinquent social dangerousness."
Finally, political prisoner José Ramón Falcón's parole has been revoked, and he is back in jail.
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