I'd rather ignore Cindy Sheehan, but her current visit to Cuba to trash America is an outrage that no responsible person can allow to go unchallenged, since too many of my colleagues in the MSM have already decided to do just that. Yes, the Associated Press and other wire services did report that Sheehan arrived in Havana on Saturday, but in none of the stories has their been even a cursory mention of the fact that her Cuban hosts run one of the worst gulags in the world.
And there has been no indication that any reporter has asked Sheehan, long ago annointed as some sort of saint for her "bravery," whether she would challenge the regime for how it treats its prisoners.
Sheehan, despite the reputation that precedes her, is not a brave woman.
If she were, she would tell her Cuban hosts this week:
"Release your political prisoners."
Instead, Sheehan is whoring herself once again, as the Cuban communist propaganda machine kicks into high gear to promote her visit to the island to protest the detention by the United States of terrorism suspects held at the Guantanmo Bay Naval Base. Given a chance to bash America, and a few more minutes of shame in front of the TV cameras, the choice always is easy for the infamous "peace mom."
For an example of real courage in the face of real tyranny, check out the Web site for the Damas de Blanco, or "Ladies in White," which is made up of the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and other relatives of the more than 300 political prisoners in the Cuban gulag. The Web site is in Spanish, but still worth a visit.
The Ladies in White could teach Sheehan more than a few things about courage, dignity and grace in the face of a real tyranny.
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