Later this weekend, I will be writing about another Cuban Political Prisoner of the Week.
But until then, do not forget these prisoners of conscience, each of them a fellow journalist:
Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta. His wife, Ileana Danger Hardy, tells journalist Liannis Meriño Aguiler, that Herrera's health is deteriorating rapidly, and that he is not getting the medical attention he requires, according to a story posted at Payo Libre.Herrera, one of the more defiant political prisoners in the gulag, was arrested during the "black spring" of March-April 2003, and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Léster González Pentón. Guards at the La Pendiente prison in Santa Clara recently forced González to undress in front of other prisoners, according to a story by journalist Tania Maceda Guerra.
Maceda's source was human rights activist Juan Carlos González Leiva, who spoke with Lester González via telephone.
“The officials forced me to undress completely in front of about 60 common inmates, many of them homosexual," Lester González said. "They seized the clothes off my body, down to my slippers. Later, they seized my belongings, including my food. They read personal letters from my wife. They seized my photo albums. And after two hours, they left without an explanation."
"This is the third time they have confiscated my things in less than two weeks," González said. "I make the government responsible for my life and my physical safety."
González was arrested during the "black spring" of 2003, and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
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