He may have made you laugh with "Roger and Me," and "Fahrenheit 9/11," but with his latest project, filmmaker Michael Moore reveals himself as a "sicko," willing to use some seriously ill veterans of the ground zero cleanup in New York to help the Castro dictatorship score a few public relations points.
The New York Post is reporting that as part of the upcoming "Sicko," a documentary on the American health care system, Moore took some of the ground zero responders to Cuba as "a stunt aimed at showing that the U.S. health-care system is inferior to Fidel Castro's socialized medicine, according to several sources with knowledge of the trip."
How the trip went is unknown, since participants, according to the Post, were required to sign confidentality clauses. But other ground zero workers that were made sick by the exposure to debris from the World Trade Center site, were having none of Moore's antics.
The Post reports:
"I would rather die in America than go to Cuba," said Joe Picurro, a Toms River, N.J., ironworker approached by the filmmaker via an e-mail that read, "Joe and Mike in Cuba."After helping remove debris from Ground Zero, Picurro has a laundry list of respiratory and other ailments so bad that he relies on fund-raisers to help pay his expenses.
He said, "I just laughed. I couldn't do it."
Another ill worker who said he was willing to take the trip ended up being stiffed by Moore.
Michael McCormack, 48, a disabled medic who found an American flag at Ground Zero that once flew atop the Twin Towers, was all set to go to.
The film crew contacted him by phone and took him by limo from his Ridge, L.I., home to Manhattan for an on-camera interview.
"What he [Moore] wanted to do is shove it up George W's rear end that 9/11 heroes had to go to a communist country to get adequate health care," said McCormack, who suffers from chronic respiratory illness.
But McCormack said he was abandoned by Moore. At a March fund-raiser for another 9/11 responder in New Jersey, McCormack learned Moore had gone to Cuba without him.
"It's the ultimate betrayal," he said. "You're promised that you're going to be taken care of and then you find out you're not. He's trying to profiteer off of our suffering."
Michael Moore — sicko, indeed.
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