The wonderful Cuba Watch has some background on Michael Moore, and how in an open letter to Elian Gonzalez in 2000, trash-talked his dead mother, "apologized" to the boy for the "child abuse" he was suffering in America, and defended the dictatorship to which Janet Reno would eventually return him.
You are being told that your mother died trying to bring you to freedom. I am so sorry to have to tell you, that's not true. The Cuban court granted your father custody of you, and your mother decided to kidnap you. She placed your life in horrible jeopardy by putting you in a leaky, overcrowded raft that eventually sank, killing everyone except you and two others. History is filled with many people who risked their lives escaping to another country because, had they stayed, they would have been imprisoned or killed.That's not what happened in the case of your mother. Her life was not in jeopardy. Her son -- you -- was in no danger. The worst that could be said is that, in Cuba, you were in jeopardy of receiving free health care whenever you needed it, an excellent education in one of the few countries that has 100% literacy, and a better chance of your baby brother being born and making it to his first birthday than if he had been born in Washington, DC.
The man is nothing but a propagandist for the revolution.
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