It's still a long way to the White House, but Barack Obama's victory in the Iowa Democractic caucuses has caught the attention of people overseas. One small proof of that is a recent influx of foreign visitors to Uncommon Sense, seeking information about "Obama" and "Cuba."
Simply put, Obama is promising "change," in U.S. policy, starting with a lifting on restrictions on travel and remittances by Cuban Americans to the island. He's also said he would meet with the Castros.
Here's part of what I wrote in August, after Obama unveiled his proposal for changes in the nation's Cuba policies:
Obama is exactly right about the limits on travel and remittances. The humanitarian concerns outweigh any worries about the Castro brothers further enriching themselves, and it is absurd to enforce them while at the same time we sell millions in farm products to the dictatorship. (However, Obama's naiveté is showing again when he writes that the lifting of limits might help unleash a new "Cuban spring.")
Here are links to some of my previous posts about Obama and Cuba:
Cuba vote divides Clinton, ObamaObama: Lift limits on Cuba travel, remittances
Obama, Edwards say they would meet with Castro
For what the other candidates have had to say about Cuba, go here.
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