The blood of thousands, from the early days of the Castro regime, stains the hands of little brother Raul.
From the Free Cuba Foundation:
Jan 3, 1959: Fidel Castro left his brother Raul as military Governor of Oriente Province. Raul proved to be an effective, if ruthless administrator. Short, thin, effeminate even, with shifty eyes, he still wore his hair in the ponytail he had adopted in the Sierra Maestra when he found a full beard an impossibility. One of his first acts was as chief military officer in the province was to order the trial of some 70 Batista soldiers. All were judged and shot in a single day. Many other Batistiano "henchmen" were executed without the semblance of a trial. And when foreign critics began to speak of a "blood bath" in Cuba, Raul shrugged off their objections. Why worry about the enemy? "After all, there's always a priest to hear their confessions."
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