« Raumel Vinajera Estive, Cuban Political Prisoner of the Week, 10/12/08 (UPDATED) | Main | 3 hunger strikes, 3 heroes »

October 14, 2008


Cuban Political Prisoners of the Week

What others are saying about Uncommon Sense

  • Jordan Allott, producer/director of "Oscar's Cuba":
    "Arguably the best blog regarding Cuba."
  • The Militant (socialist newspaper):
    "A well-known right-wing opponent of the Cuban Revolution."
  • Jay Nordlinger, National Review:
    "A valuable blogger."
  • A reader from Australia:
    "Stop hanging out in Cuban bars in Miami and either go to a decent school or do some reading; either that or stop writing ridiculous articles for your likeminded friends to read."
  • Marta Darby, www.mybigfatcubanfamily.com:
    "Fabulous and astute."
  • Luis M. Garcia, author and blogger:
    "Worth the trip."
  • Manuel A.Tellechea, author and former blogger:
    "In terms of sheer usefulness and commitment, it would be hard to top Marc's Uncommon Sense. Of course ... common sense is better than uncommon sense."
  • Miami Herald:
    "An anti-Castro hardliner."