The recent coup in Honduras — more specifically, the international reaction to it — has unleashed a level of hypocrisy rarely matched in recent diplomatic history. The world, most notably the Organization of American States, condemns the move by the Honduran courts and military to block a dictator-in-training, and yet that same international community — most notably, again, the OAS — treats Cuba, the model for dictatorships everywhere, as a respectable member of society.
The hypocrisy is too much for one prominent victim of the Castro dictatorship, Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez." In a new interview, he implored the international community to hold Cuba to the same standard as it is now holding Honduras.
"It is not possible on the one hand condemn the policy of isolating the Castro regime and on the other hand you want to isolate Honduras," Antúnez said.
Antúnez also dismissed a call from the Cuban foreign minister for the world to block a return to military dictatorship in Central America. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, said Antúnez, has "forgotten that for a half a century in our country, there is a dictatorship that has trampled the rights of the Cuban people."
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