Those of us who advocate for change in Cuba, on the island and off, want only one thing for the nation: Freedom, in all its forms.
The freedom of Cubans to access the Internet.
The freedom of Cubans to leave and enter Cuba.
The freedom of Cubans to say what they want.
The freedom of Cubans to associate awith whomever they want.
And most importantly, at least here at Uncommon Sense, freedom for Cuba's political prisoners.
I might add other freedoms to the list, like the freedom expressed when there are free elections, and you might have others. But the five detailed above are the core demands of a worldwide blogburst on Tuesday, Oct. 20, that I am proud to join.
It's that simple: We want freedom for Cuba.
The Cuba of our parents and grandparents.
The Cuba of brave patriots — political prisoners, as well as journalists, librarians and human rights activists — most of us we probably will never meet.
The Cuba of a world that is that much less free as long as a brutal dictatorship is in power in Havana.
Re-building a free Cuba will take more the demolishing of a dictatorship and adoption of slogans. It will take hard, hard work, especially by the Cuban people, to ensure that a free Cuba flourishes and last.
But it all starts with one word, whatever that word is.
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Right now!
You can read other blogburst posts by going here.
Two of my favorites, straight from the island, are from Claudia and Yoani.
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