Dr. Darsi Ferrer is a soldier for freedom in Cuba, fighting back against the lies and the myths and the repression that has defined the Castro dictatorship for more than 50 years.
As a physician, he has broken from the communist system and provided real care for his patients, not the propaganda about the Cuban health care "miracle."
As a journalist, he has reported on that reality, for Cubans and others around the world.
And as a human rights activist, he has used prior International Human Rights Days to lead peaceful protest marches, at great risk to himself and other participants, to demand the restoration of and respect for human rights in Cuba.
However, on International Human Rights Day, 2009, which is Thursday, Dec. 10, Dr. Ferrer will be in a prison cell, where he has sat since July 21.
He reportedly faces a charge of buying a small amount of cement on the black market. But his real crime, in the eyes of the dictatorship, is the work he has done as a physician, as a journalist and as a human rights activist, and the example he has set for others.
Dr. Ferrer is a leader. Dr. Ferrer is a patriot. Dr. Ferrer is a hero.
But this year, Dr. Ferrer needs our help. We must pick up his banner and demand human rights for Cuba.
We must demand the end of tyranny.
And we must demand the release from prison of Dr. Darsi Ferrer.
What can you do to help?
You can sign this petition.
And you can forward a link to this post — or to any other post by someone participating in this blogburst — to your family, friends and anyone else that needs to know about Dr. Ferrer. You can leave a comment on this post, or better yet, use your own blog or Facebook status or Twitter feed to spread Dr. Ferrer's message of hope and freedom.
Long live human rights!
Viva los derechos humanos!
Free Darsi Ferrer NOW!
Libren a Darsi Ferrer YA!
Long live a free Cuba!
Viva Cuba Libre!
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