Willing to do anything to keep its iron grip on the Cuban people, the Castro dictatorship devised the notion of "pre-criminal social dangerousness," under which it ostensibly cast itself as mind-reader to determine who might later commit a crime, if not for the intervention of the state.
However, crime-fighting is not the government's intent. Rather, the Castro dictatorship, like the dictatorship in George Orwell's "1984," uses the notion of "pre-crime" crime to neutralize those Cubans who because of their belief in liberty, and their associations with others of like mind, pose potential threats to the regime's monopoly on power.
The Castro gulag is filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of Cubans who have been convicted of pre-criminal social dangerousness, which carries a prison term of up to 4 years. In 2009, according to a new report from CIHPRESS, 36 young Cubans in the city of Guantánamo alone were found to be "social dangers."
Their names and their sentences are:
Armando Guilarte Cardona, 4 years
Pascual Carvajal Ramírez, 1 year
Jorge Luis Roja Cruzzata, 2 years
Eduardo Latamblet, 3 years
Alfredo Rodríguez, 4 years
Jorge Raul Dires Richard, 3 years
Adalberto Lareot Sabon, 4 years
Elmis Peña Cobas, 3 years
Jesús Leguen Mullen, 3 years
Leónides Chivas, 4 years
Manuel Labañino Ordunes, 3 years
Alexis Donatien Suarez, 2 years
Yulian Lestapier Ramírez, 1 year
William Pérez Masso, 3 years
Diosdado Cardona Urgellet, 4 years
Osniel Lescaylle Sablón, 3 years
Oglis Coss López, 2 years
Elmes Pozo Larrazábal, 4 years
Jorge Coba Turro, 3 years
Alexeydis Pérez Machado, 3 years
Elmis Pérez Sablón, 4 years
Alfredo Alfaro Masso, 1 year, 10 months
Yuleivis Larroman Castillo, 3 years
Roberto Izaguirre Martínez, 4 years
Eriberto Sánchez Gómez, 3 years
Wilmer Guilarte Cusa, 4 years
Reinaldo Paniagua Quevedo, 3 years
Giorvis Caraballo Martínez, 2 years
Gean Herrera Meléndez, 3 years
Fernando Wilson Sánchez, 4 years
Manuel Rodríguez Reyna, 2 years
Alfredo Celguera Mondelo, 3 years
Emilio Turcas Lisben, 2 years
Noel Franco Suarez, 3 years
Yoangel Ramírez Domínguez, 1 year, 6 months
Amado Maure Torres, 3 years
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