Standing with a man considered one of the past century's great peacemakers, 33 Cuban political prisoners this week delivered their congratulations to South African patriarch Nelson Mandela on this month's 20th anniversary of his release from prison. Read the letter, and it is clear that prisoners identify with Mandela's own 27 years in prison, his lifelong struggle against an illegitimate regime and his willingness to forgive in order to build a better, freer society.
Mandela should consider himself lucky to be honored by the Cuban heroes, for he is not entirely deserving of their praise. Remember, this is a man who has spoken effusively of Fidel Castro — other dictators and tyrants —and praised the Cuban revolution, which has imprisoned his correspondents and thousands more like them, as "a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people."
Whether because of ideological affinity, simple gratitude for an old ally in the fight against apartheid or plain ignorance, Mandela was wrong.
Hopefully, the Cuban prisoners' letter, which appeals for Mandela to join them in their own struggle, will set him straight on that once and for all.
You can read the letter here.
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