Darsi Ferrer Ramírez
Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez has been profiled numerous times here at Uncommon Sense, including at least twice as a Political Prisoner of the Week.
One of the more effective critics of the murdering Castro dictatorship, he deserves the recognition.
Which is why it was so gratifying to learn last week that Amnesty International had designated him as a prisoner of conscience and demanded his immediate release from jail.
Ferrer, a physician/human rights activist/journalist, has been in a maximum security prison since July 2009. No formal charges have been filed, although reports are he is under investigation for illegally possessing some construction material.
AI and other organizations, like Reporters Without Borders, suspect that since he hasn't even received so much as a hearing, his real "crime" is his opposition to the Castro dictatorship.
“The accusation against Darsi Ferrer is clearly a pretext. We believe he was detained as a punishment for his work to promote freedom of expression in Cuba,” said Gerardo Ducos, Cuba researcher at Amnesty International.
For more about Dr. Ferrer, please read the article I posted after Amnesty International made its announcement.
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