Para leer en español acerca de las necesidades de los ex prisionero de conciencia cubano Jorge Luis González Tanquero y su familia, ver más abajo para una apelación por escrito por mi amiga Patsy Feliciano.
This post is based in large part on the Spanish-language account posted below, written by my friend Patsy Feliciano.
Father and daughter, reunited last year in Spain.
Melissa González has suffered tragedies that no 14-year-old girl should have to endure.
For more than seven years, she was separated from her father, Jorge Luís González Tanquero, one of 75 dissidents imprisoned in Cuba during the "black spring" of 2003. He was the one locked in a prison cell, sentenced to 20 years, but it was a punishment shared by his family — especially a little girl separated from her daddy just when she needed him most.
Jorge Luís was released late last year and deported to Spain, providing hope that he soon would be reunited with his wife Marlene and Melissa, who four years ago had settled in Tampa.
Mother and daughter, Cuban freedom rally, May 22, 2010, Tampa, Fla.
But then tragedy struck again.
On Jan. 28, Marlene went into cardiac arrest and at this moment is considered brain dead. Doctors have given the family no hope of recovery.
Just when it seemed that Melissa would be able to smile again, that she could return to being just a 14-year-old girl, she is preparing for her mother to die.
She and her father, who less than two weeks ago arrived in Florida from Spain, need your help.
Their suffering is great, and it is their own.
But you can help by providing them with financial assistance, to help cover current and future expenses.
New friends of the family in Tampa — where many met Marlene and Melissa during a Cuban freedom rally in May 2010 — have set up a bank account to benefit the family.
You can contribute at any branch of Bank of America. The account number is #229038923134, in the name of Jorge Luís González Tanquero. You can also send assistance to Gonzalez at 143 Newbury Drive, Tampa, Fla., 33615
This is not about politics. This about a family in need, this is about helping a man deal with yet another horror in his life, this is about helping a 14-year-old girl.
We pray that each of us will do what we can, within our means, to help Jorge Luís and Melissa in this time of great need.
And we pray that God's grace provide them with comfort in this time of sadness, and the help of others in this time of need.
UPDATED, March 11, 2011 — A fund-raising event is being planned for April 9 in Tampa. For details on how you can help, call either Patsy Feliciano at (813) 690-0688 or Clarissa Lima at (813) 495-5875.
Melissa, left, and Jorge Luís González, third from left, with new friends in Tampa, Feb. 24, 2011.
Jorge Luis Gonzalez Tanquero, ex-preso Primavera Negra y su hijita NECESITAN nuestra AYUDA!
Justo cuando la jovencita MELISSA GONZALEZ de 14 años pensaba que podía volver a sonreir, una inesperada TRAGEDIA FAMILIAR vuelve a empañar los ojos de esta valiente niña. Melissa llegó de CUBA con su mamá, MARLENE GONZALEZ hace unos 4 años dejando atrás a su papá, JORGE LUIS GONZALEZ TANQUERO, preso POLITICO cubano de la PRIMAVERA NEGRA. Muchos en Tampa conocimos a Melissa y su mamá durante la marcha por la Libertad de Cuba el 22 de mayo. El 28 de enero de 2011, Marlene sufrió un fallo cardiáco y se encuentra en estos momentos sin actividad cerebrar. Los médicos no dan esperanzas de recuperación y papá e hija se preparan para lo inevitable. Jorge Luis, quien fue deportado a España a finales del año pasado, logró tramitar su viaje a Tampa hace menos de dos semanas para enfrentar esta situación y hacerse cargo de su hijita.
Pedimos a nuestros amigos que por favor AYUDEN a esta famila. Actualmente Jorge Luis no tiene recursos para pagar cuentas ni gastos futuros. Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida y para esto se ha abierto una cuenta en:
Bank of America (cualquier sucursal) cuenta #229038923134 | Jorge Luis Gonzalez Tanquero
Tristemente Marlene no logró disfrutar de la libertad y democracia que soñó junto a su esposo y su hija. Mientras tanto su hijita, Melissa, justo apunto de recuperar a su papá, perdió a su mami. Ayúdanos señor para que nosotros, cada cual dentro de nuestras posibilidades, podamos ayudar a este papá y su hija. Gracias.
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