George Orwell predicted the Castro regime.
Like all dictatorships, the thugs in Havana use language as a weapon of repression, twisting words and their meanings to cover-up their true intent and to keep their boots on the necks of the people.
Cuban opposition activists Reinaldo Castillo Martinez and Emilio Plana Robert are two of the latest victims of the Castro regime's Orwellian ways.
Plana Robert, a member of the Resistance and Democracy Movement, on Oct. 6 was tried in Guantánamo and convicted of being a "pre-criminal social danger" and sentenced to 42 months in prison. He was convicted, even though he had never before had been arrested, warned to halt his opposition activities, etc.
Castillo Martinez, a member of the Miguel Valdes Tamyo Human Rights Movement, on Oct. 11, was sentenced to 1 year in prison, after he was convicted of a charge of "disrespect." He had gone to a local police station, where he got into a violent confrontation with officers.
As he was thrown into a jail cell, he began shouting, "Down with Fidel! Down with Raul!"
Before he was released, he was handed a summons demanding he return to stand trial in Guanabacoa.
Castillo in 2010 was convicted of an identical charge of "disrespect" and served one year in prison.
"Pre-criminal social dangerousness" and "disrespect" are some of the "crimes" the Castro regime has long used to target and silence its opposition, all to cover up its true motives and to absolve itself of any accountability for its actions.
George Orwell would be impressed.
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