A scene from the Cuba that Bella English of the Boston Globe hopes doesn't change anytime soon.
When it comes to Cuba, I know many Americans share the willful ignorance/malignant indifference of the Boston Globe's Bella English. The big difference is that she actually had the ignorance/indifference -- I suspect more of the latter than the former -- to put her disregard for the suffering of the Cuban people under the Castro dictatorship into words published by her newspaper:
I recently spent a week in Cuba, visiting Havana and the countryside before checking out the beach. Because the country remains under US embargo and travel by US citizens is limited — journalists and academic researchers can go, and certain “cultural exchanges” are allowed — I wanted to get there and write about it before the floodgates open and tourists overrun the place.
That's right, she actually said it: She wants to go to Cuba before it is free from the lying, thieving, murdering Castro dictatorship, she wants to go to Cuba while she, with whatever spending her employer allowed her to cover with her expense account, still has the chance to help the regime finance its repression of the Cuban people.
Bella English wanted to go to Cuba before freedom is allowed to flourish.
Well, she didn't say that, but the meaning of her words -- which in total amount to one of the most disgusting displays of journalistic masturbation written recently about Cuba -- is the same.
The idea of visiting Cuba before it "changes," before it become another non-descript vacation spot overrun with chain hotels and trinket-seeking tourists, has always been ridiculous. Because along with the quaintness -- which covers everything from the old American cars to the bars Hemingway used to haunt -- comes the reality of the suffering of the Cuban people.
But as English illustrates, this tragic delusions remained ingrained in the American media and elsewhere.
English and others of her ilk, with their indifference, with their ignorance, with their disregard for the interests of the Cuban people, are only contributing to the continuing tragedy that is Cuba.
Because until Cuba truly changes to a point where tourist flights are routine, where Cuban beaches are dotted with luxuorious resorts, where Cubans can determine their own futures, Cuba and the Cuban people will still be suffering under one of the most horrific dictatorships in human history.
Good for the indifferent, the ignorant Bella English that she got to see that before things change.
(H/T Babalu Blog.)
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