Eighteen months after the Castro dictatorship threw Cuban Lady In White Sonia Garro Alfonso and her husband Ramón Alejandro Muñoz in jail, the regime this week detailed its plans for the couple: Lengthy prison terms in the Castro gulag.
In fact, the regime's prosecutors have asked the regime's judges -- yes, the odds are that stacked against them -- to give the couple some of the harshest prison sentences since the "black spring" crackdown of 2003. There is some contradictory information, but reports are that Garro faces 10 or 12 years, and that Muñoz faces 12 or 14 years for "assault," "disorderly conduct" and "attempted murder," according to Diario de Cuba.
The real criminals are the regime and its agents, who on March 17, 2012, as part of a crackdown on dissidents in advance of Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Cuba, broke into the Garro-Muñoz home and used tear gas and rubber bullets to subdue the couple.
Ever since, they have sat in Castro's dungeons, with no formal charges ever being filed but suffering numerous beatings and other abuses.
From jail, Muñoz said he has been accused of throwing a television at one of the officers who raided his home.
"That is a lie, that is for certain," Muñoz said.
"We were the only ones injuried," he said, referring to a injured foot his wife suffered during the raid.
But the bigger crime may be this: Prosecutors also charged him with shouting, "Down with Fidel and Raul."
Whatever happens in court, Muñoz vowed not to submit to the Castro regime.
"We are fighters, and we will continue to be, even while we are in prison," he said.
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